The two intrepid explorers stepped into the inflatable dinghy. Who would know what they would encounter without life jackets or emergency supplies? Little did they know about the fearful sea monsters!
I didn't get my first overseas holiday until the early 1990s.
It was a family holiday in what was then called Yugoslavia. This was a holiday I enjoyed, and travelling with my wife, our young daughter, my sister, her husband, and their two children. We had some adventures. There are a few tales to tell, and today, I would like to relate how two chaps in an inflatable dinghy fared when sailing the high seas of the Adriatic. Perhaps, to be more precise, around the headland at Budva Becici, Montenegro.
Sadly this was the year the terrible war started, and just before we arrived, there were some skirmishes. The situation was being monitored in case our holiday had to be cancelled. It’s a beautiful country, and I am pleased to see that the area badly shelled during the war has been rebuilt, and tourists are enjoying holidays in the sunshine.
My brother-in-law, whom we shall call David, which after all is his real name, and there is no need to protect his identity, brought along the dinghy. (It’s not something you would do these days on EasyJet). He decided we should take it out to sea and explore. We launched from the beach to sail around the small peninsular. I love boats and being on the water, which is strange for someone who fears being in water above my legs and can’t swim. Sailing down the east side, with the steep rising cliffs on our right, we reached the headland. We kept away from the rocks; the last thing we needed was a puncture and air rushing out of our tiny vessel. I doubt the dinghy would have moved off like a balloon, just as when the air is released quickly. More likely, we would have had a sinking feeling.
Fortunately, the dinghy performed well, and we paddled through the waves and turned the corner, now heading towards a small deserted bay about halfway down the west side of the peninsular.
Fearful Sea Monsters!
We decided to go ashore in this little bay and explore. I was standing in the water when suddenly I felt something nibbling my little toe. I was under attack! What was this sea monster? Looking through the clear water - there it was. This is not a joke; I was indeed under attack by a shrimp! A quick movement of my left foot was enough to scare off my attacker, and I lived to fight another day.
We once again boarded the dinghy. My attack undoubtedly inspired David to think that there was life in the ocean, so he put on his scuba goggles, the one thing he brought on our journey. Hanging over the side of our boat, dipping his face into the water, he looked for more creatures that inhabited this sea. Of course, I couldn’t resist, and the joker in me was invigorated to capitalise on this situation.
Taking one of the oars, I slipped it gently into the sea. David was utterly unaware. The paddle end was silver, and I moved it slowly towards my fellow seafarer lying face-down in the sea. Just a few centimetres under the surface, the silver paddle slid and flashed into his view. Suddenly his stillness and calmness vanished as he threw back his head, like a man hit by Mike Tyson! It took him a few seconds to realise that this was not a man-eating creature but a mere piece of silver plastic. Before you worry, he did find it funny, and we both had a good laugh, the cove reverberating to the sound of our bellows.
We Survived!
The fact I am telling this tale shows that we returned safely to shore, both unscathed. We sailed back the way we came, thoroughly enjoying our exploits and having a story to tell to our families. Let me know if you enjoyed this story, and maybe I will relate another one from this holiday, which I will give the title, “It’s only an inch on the map!”
It was an adventure; no doubt you have had yh some amusing tales to tell. Please let me know in the comments or send me an email
Maybe we can relate your tale here.
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Haha, attack of the shrimp. Nice one, Roland. Thanks for sharing.
A nice light-hearted story this one haha!